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10:59 p.m. * 2001-05-03
I want to be in love.

I'm getting tired of being alone.

I want someone to dream about.

I want to have someone that I get to share everything with, and I don't have that person.

I don't like feeling so alone.

It's part of why I'm sad.

No one wants me, why be happy?

I don't usually get so focused on this but it's spring and there are all these couples out together shoving their happiness smack into my face.

So it's bringing me way down.

I thought I was in love before.

Ends up I was pretty wrong, and naive.

But that's just how life is I guess.

I hope I find someone who wants me for me some day. I don't think I can live life alone forever.
"Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo." H.G. Wells

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