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Lack of updates, summer crap
11:38 am * April 15, 2002
Happy Tax day...or something.

I've been kind of lax lately in updating. It has just seemed like there wasn't anything to say. I've been feeling kind of crappy lately. That could be just because of the stupid things going on around here recently though. A few of the people I really like at work are getting ready to quit. :( I'm going to miss them.

It's almost summer, so I have to get more serious about this whole moving thing. It still makes me feel a little ill. I mean the first time you move out of the house you grew up in, you're supposed to be moving out on your own or something. My mom wants me to move with the family, and live with them in the new place. :( Actually, she wants me to buy the new place, and then the 3 of us would live there. Now, there is one amusing thing in all of this (so far). My mom has said the whole, "As long as you're living in MY house..." Well, now she'd have to follow my rules, because she'd be living in MY house. :) See, kind of amusing huh?

Well, I have to do some other computer work so I'm going to end this now. I'm going to try and update again later on though.

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