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fighting with one of my friends and training the new girl
11:50 am * April 12, 2002
I've been fighting with a friend of mine this week. I don't even know why we're fighting! It seems like he just has to disagree with everything I say. So, when I was online yesterday and he showed up online, I didn't message him. I mean, if we're fighting in person why bother bringing it up online too, right? Well after about 30 minutes he went offline. (I still need to get rid of the sounds on AIM.)I thought that was going to be it, that we weren't going to talk. Well I left the room and came back to find about 6 messages from him, each one sounding more mad than the one before it. Because I was ignoring him. I explained why I didn't answer, he said, "Well that doesn't explain why you didn't say hello before." :- So I said what I had thought when he logged on. That we weren't talking 'cause we had been fighting. He said, "Fine!" and went offline again.

Did I totally miss something? Because I'm rather lost at the moment.

I have to work tonight. I think I may be "training" someone again tonight. I'm not really looking forward to that. I'd much rather be by myself in the office and get my work done as quickly as I can, and not only because I usually get to read once my actual responsibilities are taken care of. She's a nice person to work with and all though. It's still kind of odd that they had me training someone new for the office when I've only been in there myself for a couple months. And not even a whole month alone in there yet.

Well, I'm going to go read some of my next book. It's the last new one I have left from the last trip to the bookstore.

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