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So much for Pepsi Guy
7:38 pm * March 02, 2002
Well folks, sadly there might not be any more entries about Pepsi guy.

He was supposed to call me Wednesday night. Well...he never called..nor did he call Thursday or Friday. Although after Wednesday I wasn't expecting him to call.

So, today's Saturday and I always see him in the store Saturday mornings. Well today was no different, I intentionally got there a little early so I could talk to him before it was time to clock in.

He was in the back of the store loading up the sodas he was getting ready to fix. I went over and said hi and asked how he was...normal beginning a ocnversation kinds of things. The entire time he kept working gave one word answers and seemed to make a point of looking at everything except me.

I was getting a little hurt and a little pissed off by this point, so I just asked why he didn't call when he said he would.

He never really actually answered that part... He said he was disappointed in my behavior at the diner. That he could not believe I treated "princess" the way that I did when her and I were in the bathroom. He was looking at me then, but with a look of "I can't believe you did that!"

I wanted to yell and scream a lot as loudly as I possibly could. But I just told him that he must not know me at all if he really thought I was capable of saying the things she accused me of saying. His face kind of changed then but it was time for me to start working so I didn't even bother.. I clocked in and worked my shift and now I'm home.


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