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work on a monday? eww
12:32 pm * March 19, 2002
I ended up working last night.

Apparently the woman who was supposed to work was just too sick to go in, and the one that trained me had switched shifts with someone else, so I was the only one left. I wish I could be all, "It was so great to be in there on a Monday!" But I think we all know better. I won't even get a bigger paycheck than normal because I'm off this Friday for some reason. Hopefully I didn't screw anything up too badly.

It's only Tuesday but I think I've already started a messed up sleep pattern for this week. Sunday/Monday I went to sleep around 2:30, then last night/this morning I went to bed just before 5. Soooo...tonight isn't looking all that promising. Normally I'd be up until 1 watching Angel, but, if it's on at all it'll be a repeat. I'd like to watch Buffy, but by the looks of the website, it's a repeat. I watched that other new show that was on after Buffy last week, As If. It was kinda cool. I liked Sooz's hair. The show after that was, The Random Years, and it was ok, but it's kind of weird seeing the guy from Boy Meets World as a different character.

Well, Days is on, so I'm gonna go.

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