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stupid test
12:04 pm * March 21, 2002
Because I'm lacking anything else to say right this moment.

1.What are your living arrangements? I live in a house, with my mom, little sister, and her father.

2.What was the last book you read/are reading now?The Accidental Tourist, Anne Tyler

3.What picture is on your mouse pad?A black and white chesire looking cat.

4.What is your favorite board game? SCRABBLE!!!!

5.What is your favorite magazine?Yahoo Magazine, YM

6.a)Favorite smell? Almost any cologne, baking cookies

b)Least favorite smell? Keep in mind that I live in the country... skunk

7.Favorite sound? Music - any kind

8.Worst feeling in the world?Not being able to help someone who's suffering.

9.What is the first thing you think of in the morning? I need thicker curtains.

10.Favorite color?blue

11.How many rings before you answer the phone?It depends, because I normally don't even answer the phone.

12.What would your future child's name be? I have no clue.

13.What is most important in life? family and happiness

14.Favorite food? My great grandmother's spaghetti, it's perfect.

15.Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? I want other choices...if it's vanilla, it's crazy vanilla (all different colors but tastes like vanilla) if it's chocolate, it's chocolate peanut butter swirrled.

16.Do you like to drive fast?sometimes

17.Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?No..my cat's very much alive, he demonstrates it by kicking ME out of bed.

18.Storms scary or cool? cool

19.If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? My great grandfather, he died when I was about 6 months old.

20.Favorite alcoholic drink?underage

21.What's your sign?virgo

22.Do you eat the stems of broccoli?yes.... I'm so ashamed.. ?

23.What is your dream job? Owning my own business, a book store of some kind.

24.If you could dye your hair any color what would it be? I'd just get red highlights

25.Have you ever been in love?I thought I was

26.Is the glass half empty or half full?Well damnit, it's half empty!

27.What are your favorite movies?Dirty Dancing, Office Space, Coyote Ugly, Gone in 60 seconds, Remember the Titans, Shrek...

28.Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Usually

29.What is under your bed?Only the cat knows

30.Favorite sport to watch? football

If you want to post this test yourself, and don't want to have to deal with deleting all my answers, go here.

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