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12:20 p.m. * 2001-05-10
Ok...Well...Sometimes things just don't work. My colors were mint green and a dark blue, well this morning they were white and dark blue/black. So now I've just changed to this orange template until I figure a few things out. For the time being I'm also going to just take down the links I had posted last night. They were still working fine, until I changed templates. I'm into all this web page developing stuff, so I don't mind that it messed up. It gives me a chance to practice with it some more. I also joined a diary ring, so I'll need to repost that since it seems to have gotten bumped too.

Ok that's it for now, I'll make a real entry in a little while.

Quote "Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time." Catherine Zandonella

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