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music and knitting
11:14 a.m. * 2001-12-21

Last night I was a little hoarse. Today I'm worse. But I'm going to sing anyway, 'cause I'm stupid like that. And because I wouldn't mind not being able to talk at the store tonight.

So anyway, my friends and I were basically just goofing off and we made a little tape of ourselves. Ohmygosh. We sound bad. We were good for the songs we've sung together before but any reading we did was just scary. So after a few days we're going to get together and try again.

:-D Apparently we're going to work on some Christmas music!! I have no clue why though.

My friends and I all still harbor some of those 'I want to be a rock star' feelings. That's why we get together and sing sometimes. I think I'd just like to be in a band, not really be a rock star... But it doesn't matter.

Now see, if someone could just teach me how to knit I could stop thinking about things that will never happen. Oh wait...I don't have a great track record with knitting either... But I haven't hurt anyone yet!! :)

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