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Have to make a call
4:42 p.m. * 2001-05-31
Well now it's time for my real entry. Time for me to buckle down and wow you all with my skills. My wit, sarcasm, and sense of humor. But don't read on expecting much, it's best that way...really :)

OMG, I've just been informed they want me to call them to set up an interview for the teaching job. Um, I need to go calm down before I call and sound hysterical. Deep breaths right? :)

More soon.

Well hello again. It's about 7:15 now. I know the entry says 4 something but I left and then came back and I'm working in edit instead of making a whole new entry. I decided to share something I wrote. Mainly because my mind is still swimming. I still don't know anything about the job, the woman I was to call wasn't in her office so I had to leave her a message. I guess if she doesn't get back to me tomorrow morning, I'll just call her again. If I'm going to teach I need to know as soon as possible so I can prepare. Without further ado...

The Hunted

I take the power in my hands

Aiming it at you�willing you to turn your gaze my way

I see the shock and recognition in your eyes�

Then I see what I have been waiting for, the fear of being the prey.

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