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August 6, 2001
5:00 p.m. * 2001-08-06
Well, this weekend wasn't too fun. Lots was being said about my friend and her baby. I'm going to try and call her tomorrow to see how she is.

Hot weather sucks. I like it nice and cool....even kind of chilly. I'd rather be cold than hot any given day. But, in this state, it's hot in the summer, so I deal. Wish I could be dealing with an air conditioner though. Winter is nice here though because it usually snows a fair amount.

I'm finished with school in October. Anyone need a newly graduated computer person in October? I'm willing to relocate. :)

I didn't mean to leave that upset/mad entry up all these days (3 since my last update). But I just haven't actually had the time to sit down and think nice rational coherent thoughts for all you nice people. (The whole bunch of you there are...haha.)

But it's ok, I'm not busy now so I'm updating, as inane as this update seems to be. Hmm..ok I just got papers from the school's finanicial office, maybe I am busy after all.

And because I haven't in oh, so long... Quote:

"A good idea will keep you awake during the morning, but a great idea will keep you awake during the night."

- Marilyn Vos Savant

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