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new layout, sorta
11:52 a.m. * 2001-08-08

So, I was playing in the html again. And listening to the latest cd I made. It's great for me. Really. One of my friends saw the order I was putting them on the cd, and it was soooo funny. I have such an odd taste in music. I can promise you wouldn't find this selection together on one cd in any store.

But anyway, what do you all think of my new little layout change? Better question, can you find my new little layout change? Hehe. I don't know if this new blue thing will be staying, but it's cool for the moment. I'm getting into my coding again, which is good. We're working on forms now though not what I was doing here today. (Tables) We finished tables last week I think. I really do have work I should be doing, part of our final is to get a 5 page website online and active. It might not sound that difficult, but we have to meet certain specifications. It'll be interesting. I also need to work on the website I've been running for the last year, and I need to finish the one I started a couple weeks ago. I thought for sure that I'd be using frames on that page, but I just don't like them at all. The person I'm making it for wanted frames. I think she's going to get tables and never know the difference. :) I just have to go delete all the work I got done and start over, no problem at all... yep that was me being sarcastic. :) Ok that's it for now. Have a good day!! Oh yeah, I put my guest book back, I took it off while deciding where I wanted to put my little counter. Which isn't that a cool counter?

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