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day after new years
11:00 a.m. * 2002-01-02
I guess now is when I should be working on that all important entry about my life the past year. Well guess what...it was pretty boring and uneventful.

September 2000 I went back to school. I worked the nights I wasn't in school. This continued on until October 2001. There were only tiny slight variations until summer. Once it hit summer (July in this case) I was going swimming and getting sunburnt instead of staying home all day. Then summer ended, there was my birthday, getting gold membership, and summer vacation ending. Then it was September and we all know how September was. Then it was October and I was out of school. Now it's January 2nd and I'm still working in the store. Oh yeah...that recap was worthwhile. :-�

Honestly, I've always found New Year's Eve somewhat depressing. Back when I was in school (jr high and sr high) I always spent New Year's Eve and Day over at a friend's house. (Well except for senior year.) But now, that specific friend isn't even living in the US anymore.

New Year's makes me think back to all the things I thought I would have accomplished by now, that I haven't accomplished.

Ok, well now, before I'm utterly lost in my despair....

I'm going to listen to the O Brother where art thou? soundtrack.

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