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hi again
10:41 pm * September 29, 2003
Well it's Monday(almost Tuesday), and I'm back.

I'm kinda tired still, from work this weekend. I think mostly just tired because I let it stress me out so much. Surprisingly enough, I'm going to try to talk to the new manager and see if we can possibly work something out. I don't think he even knows who I am though, so who knows if what I have to say will make the slightest bit of difference.

I bought 9 books last Thursday, I now have 1 and 1/2 left. I need more books. (This is when you'd think something nice and sarcastic about the bookstore I seem to have begun...) I tend to read books that are just fun though. Not the kind that require much thought on my part. If anyone would like to suggest a book, something you think everyone should read. Please leave me a note, and I'll see if I can find the book to read it. I've been thinking about posting little book reviews on the books I read. I already try to make a little summary on books after I read them and shelve or box them, so that later on, if it was a book I really liked or someone else wants to know a little something about it, I can remember more quickly.

I guess that's it for now because I have to leave the room. Hope everyone out there is doing okay. Don't forget about those book suggestions. :)

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