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1:24 am * September 13, 2003
First off, I'm sorry that I'm a loser and I say I'm back for real then disappear for another 66 days. I'm disappointed in me too. I've now officially bought back my gold and since I'm pretty poor at this point at the very least I'll work harder not to waste my hard earned money right? Right.

Life in my house, and out of it as of late, has been shitty. The arguing and bickering seems to never end, there were some days of temporary homelessness, and some days of my simply being unable to be here and be honest about things. I was also out of town and seriously sick for a while. Thus explaining some of my 66 days as "Diaryland MIA".

Things are basically better now. Basically, in the sense of, yes some things are better, but lots of other things are not better at all. Really, they haven't remotely changed.

I still have the same job, which is why I'm broke. All that happens at work anymore is that I get into trouble. Always with the same person, but for all kinds of stupid things. Just life as it is for me I guess.

I'm in a new class now, as in you enroll and go to lessons, and it's going well so far (it's also another reason I'm broke at the moment).

My birthday was a couple weeks ago, and it royally sucked. I was sick, way sick. So hopefully that means at least next years will be better, I'll be crossin' my fingers and doing what ever with hopes that it won't be worse at least.

Well, I have to go now, which sucks I know, but damnit, I'm comin' back.

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