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10:15 pm * May 08, 2003
I'm in a less than great mood, why mention that in the first line of my entry? Well, just consider it a warning.

I think Aaron is stalking me. He's ALWAYS calling me, he told me he was going to wait at my house until I got home (uhh.. I was due home 2 days later). He keeps saying things about being together, when I've kept saying, um no...me no likey you that way. (NOOOO not those exact words, I haven't regressed to baby talk as of yet though it's seemed tempting.)

The guy that I DO like, just introduced me to his newest girlfriend, oh yeah THAT was fun. But it'll be okay, because we're friends just friends and never anything more. Which will be totally fine and okay....once I stop day dreaming about him. :�

David is still around, though we've talked about two minutes since my last update. So I've stuck with at least one of my plans.

I guess that's it, talk to ya'll another time.

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