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I'm so freaking confused it's not even remotely funny...oh wait...it is.
6:14 pm * April 18, 2002
Well, I'm here and just as messed up as I was yesterday.

I don't know what the hell I am going to do with my life, and it's really starting to affect me.

I talked with Vix about some of the moving things. But she goes back and forth between, "You can't move away and leave me here..." and, "You'd get out of this town..." So, she's not really helping. She doesn't get how seriously this could change my life forever. I really thought she would be the one who did understand.

I talked about the other thing, the thing I haven't come right out and said yet, with one of my online friends. I decided to discuss it with him because he's an openminded person, and he wasn't going to be directly affected, so I thought he would have a good opinion, whether he agreed or disagreed with what my opinion was. (Because it was an outside opinion.) But he hasn't been helpful at all. He says he doesn't have an opinion on the matter at all. So I asked what he would think if it was like his sister who was going through this. He still said he didn't have an opinion. So.. Who do I go talk to now? I need to know what someone else thinks. Not really because I think it'll change my mind or anything. I think that my reaction to what they say will just make my choice more clear. As if that makes any sense.

As if any of this entry made sense for that matter.

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