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geeeze, now his best friend is calling me!
6:18 pm * March 07, 2002

So, I went out for dinner with my mom and my sister and when we got home I got informed there was a message for me on the machine. Now, after hearing the other one about oh, 500 times (don't worry only 5 times really), I trashed it. So I knew it was at least a new message. I went back to check the message and this time it was the best friend calling me.

He asked if I knew what was going on, and if I thought Pepsi Guy was serious about hooking up with Princess. While it was too long to memorize and quote the whole message the one part I can quote is this, "I can't believe they are doing this to me. Well I believe she'd do it, but not him."

He asked me to call him tomorrow morning. I really don't think I should, but I haven't actually decided if I will or not.

*laughs* It's definitely been a heck of a week.

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