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a less crappy update than the last one, even though those tests were fun. :)
12:06 pm * February 13, 2002
Sooo.... Cheap last entry huh?

I'm buying a sound card tonight, so I'll finally get to listen to music on the computer again.

Oh yeah, yesterday's word of the day: krewe - New Orleans Any of several groups with hereditary membership whose members organize and participate as costumed paraders in the annual Mardi Gras carnival.
I just decided the other day to add that into my posts, and then I forgot yesterday. Swift huh?

I was going to go to the mall Monday afternoon (even though I was trying to avoid going) but my sister came home from the babysitters throwing up. So we didn't go, and she was home with me again yesterday. Luckily I'm not sick from her this time. (So far.)

No one is chatting with me right now, so I'm kind of bored. Where are all of you guys? I don't feel like reading, or even watching tv. I'll be watching tv at 1 though!! :) It's really really cold in the house right now. Or maybe I need long sleeves instead of short... a thought to ponder I suppose.

Well, I'm going to go play some kind of card game or something. :)

Word of the day: bel esprit - a cultivated, highly intelligent person.

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