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just a recap after the "group date"
12:11 am * October 18, 2003
So... Hi... Yup, THAT's how freaking unexciting the whole stupid date thing was. I don't think I'll be dating my friend's boyfriend's friend. (That still makes me laugh though.) We got along well enough, but it was very much just kind of blah. Blah's not exactly what we're all looking for in life, or even the weekend. Ya know?

So I guess that means the quest continues. Though, can it be called a quest when one's not actually actively searching? I tend to stick with the old as dirt saying, if it's meant to be it'll happen. But geeze, sometimes. Sometimes I just get so lonely. This honest to God, deep in my chest, body-aching feeling of being totally alone.

You just can't dwell on it is all. Because it's when you let yourself dwell, and think about it more that it really hits you.

I don't know, typically, I don't think omg omg omg I must have a boyfriend. Omg omg omg I must not be alone. Because honestly, lots of times, thinking back on the way my parents were together, and remembering the way I've seen other couples interact... Yeah being alone would be better than being involved in some of those situations.

Okay, now that we're all totally depressed (I'm not actually totally depressed there's just a smidge of depressedness {if that's a word} and hopefully you're all okay too) I should be getting to bed.

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