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previously mentioned hot guy
12:33 pm * October 17, 2003
So, this hot guy I mentioned in passing last night. Whoa.

He's the friend of a friend. Or more specifically, my friend's boyfriend's friend. (Does that make you laugh too?) I was trying to think of names to use for this, because we all know I come up with SUCH inventive names, and I finally decided on well, nothing, help me out huh?!

We're (the four of us) going out to have a little dinner/drinks after work tonight. We can't be out very late though, because my friend and her bf both have to work early tomorrow morning.

I'm slightly nervous, the original plan was that I was going to dinner after work with my friend, then, her bf came into the store to let her know he was there, and he was all, "hey I want to come along too", but his friend was with him, so then all of a sudden my friend said something like, well, hey, why doesn't your friend come along too, then it could be even more fun. Well, at least I won't be the 3rd wheel, right? :� But guess that doesn't mean I will definitely fit in with the group either. I'm just becoming friends with the chick, b/c she's new at work so we haven't known eachother all that long even, but we got along immediately. Her bf seems nice but I've only met him um twice. The friend, seems really smart (he sounded intelligent when he was talking) and he's probably nice since the other two are nice.

So, I'll let ya'll know how things go. :)

As a side note, I STILL don't have a new job, I still hate my job, and I'm still trying to get a new job.

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