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Monday morning's weekend recap
11:19 am - 12:15 pm * 2001-12-10
Hey hi!

So the work holiday party was last night *yawn*. I decorated in the morning then I came home in the afternoon and did my "work from home" stuff then I went back and reopened the building at 4:30 to let the people from work in with the food, then I came back home and got ready then we went to the party at 6. And it was BORING. But then once a few more people got there it got a lot more interesting.

A friend that works there and I were the ones that did the decorating, then she never showed up last night for the actual party. And she was part of the clean up crew, so I stayed late to help clean up as well. *yawn* Some of those drunks just didn't want to go home. I guess they weren't understanding it isn't a bar open 'til 2 am it's a store party hoping to lock the doors by 12.

Then tonight I have to go to my sister's Christmas concert. Then on Tuesday night I have to babysit. I'd like to work Wednesday night (I heard they're looking for another cashier that night.) But I don't know if I'm already doing something else or not.

There's a bank where I work and they are looking for part time tellers. So I'm actually thinking about picking up an application there. I don't want to work in a bank, and I don't think I'd be very good at the whole teller thing...but ya never know.

I really need more hours at work, since I still haven't gotten a new job, so now I might have to work a couple days instead of nights so that I can get a decent paycheck for a change. I really don't much care for day shift. And I'll have to tape Days...*sigh*

Work at the store has been just plain old bad lately. There used to be a kind of 'team' feeling. No one came in feeling out of the loop or just generally disliked. For a while our store had a horrible turnover rate for cashiers. For the most part now though, the cashiers have been the same for at least 6 months. But we don't have that team feeling anymore. It seems like everyone has to watch their back now, because someone is always trying to start crap. I don't know if our manager is oblivious or what, but he isn't doing anyone any good at the rate he's going. He's cutting everyones hours, then people go ask for more, and then he gives them hours from people like me. People that have been good employees from day 1 and don't pull the kind of crap some of these other people do.

A lot of the employees get away with stupid petty crap because they suck up to the right people. I'm not going to suck up just to get away with things. I go in to do my job and get paid. It makes me really angry when I have to do other peoples jobs for them because they are too busy socializing with other employees or just running around the store avoiding doing any actual work. If they aren't going to do what they are getting paid to do, they shouldn't be there.

Well with watching TV then listening to music I've been typing in here for almost an hour. So I'm going to just leave it at that for the time being. :) More people have joined the new ring!! Wooohooooo!!

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