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1 month to go
1:00 p.m. * 2001-07-28
Well I decided since I really have nothing else going on at this specific moment that I'd type up an entry. So here I am typing away.

Yesterday was fun, we spent most of the day up at the lake enjoying the cool water and beautiful surroundings. Then some kid came over and pestered the hell out of my little sister...which was actually pretty funny to me. I think this little boy's parents suck though. They drop him off at the lake and leave him there pretty much all day. He's only 9. But anyway...

I'm in the process of getting my hair done right now. My braider (I'm getting it all put into tiny little braids) is taking a break though because she was getting hand cramps. Tonight is the fair, and I'm going to see people I don't really like to see, joy joy.

And I'll run into some adult I know but haven't seen, and they'll ask if my sister is my daughter, I know this because I get asked this at least once when we're there. I usually just say no... Sometimes I get pretty annoyed though. The last person who asked me found that out the hard way. She asked if she was my kid, then said to her husband, "Teenagers always have kids now-a-days." I got pretty pissed. I told her, oh yeah she's mine that's why I'm 18, she's 8 and I gave birth to her when I was 10. I also reminded her not ALL teenagers have children when they are still in high school.

I mean no real harm, 2 of my best friends got pregnant during high school. And hey if it works for them, cool. But it wouldn't have worked for me.

Speaking of teenagers...in exactly one month I won't be one anymore. That's right, the big 2-0. I'm already marking off the days. I don't really get that excited about it anymore. I don't get a lot of gifts or money. Hell every year more people forget it. My dad hasn't given me a birthday present, or even a card for about 3 years now. The majority of his family hasn't wished me a happy birthday...well ever. His mom used to give me a card with $10 in it, or put the money in my savings account. But that stopped around the time I turned 15. I actually had the first day of school on my birthday one year, and no one, not even my friends, told me happy birthday. Hmmm, that was the year I turned 16 I believe. My mother's family is better about these things. But mostly when it comes to my little sister. My older brother and sister haven't said anything for about 3 years, I send them cards every year, if I know where they are living.

It's kind of funny. I wonder why I'm not very confident then I remember things like that... Maybe that's part of the answer.

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