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11:48 p.m. * 2001-12-30


I'm on cold medicine now...and I've hardly slept, and I've worked about 25 or so hours since Friday so I'm a little ummm hyper. Yup that describes it well enough.

I took my story to a friend of mine today and now she's getting on my case already about finishing it. I haven't written anything else yet though. Mainly because I'm just not in the right state of mind at the moment.

No one has gotten back to me about the New Year's resolution thing. I'll take that as an admission that ya'll aren't into that little tradition. Which is cool, 'cause like I said I haven't been for awhile myself.

-----Break from typing to listen to the Beatles-----

:) Well that little music break ended up being a cd's worth, and now I've calmed down enough that I think I'm ready for bed.

Sweet dreams diaryland people.

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