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12:57 am * February 20, 2009
So there's this older dude. At least in his 60's but I think he's probably older than that. He comes through my register line almost every time that I work. It didn't really bother me but now everytime he's all, "Hi Sunshine." and "I love it when you smile at me, it's such a pretty smile." At first, I let it go out the other ear, you know? Harmless older dude being cute. But now it's been going on for weeks and it's weirding me out. OH! And there's a newer soda guy who has been really cool so far then a couple weeks ago he made a really gross joke and now all kinds of people are just tired of him. He knew the joke was inappropriate at the time and said he was telling it regardless. Should I tell him to cool it or just let it go??
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