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12:35 pm * June 10, 2004
I leave tomorrow, I'm starting to feel like I wish I didn't have to go, and at the same time I wish I didn't have to come back. I "hate" a lot of things going on right now, and I'm not doing well with not takin' things personally that I should probably just let go. I'm sad and really disapointed in some of my friends, and I don't think it's them, I think it's me, I think I'm givin' off some kind of 'walk all over me vibe' or something. A big sign, 'hey I'm not busy, come make me feel worthless for a while!'

I wish I was one of those people who always landed on their feet, and who could figure out something good from any situation. I'm more like, land on my butt, gingerly try to stand up & dust off, then warily make my way back towards whatever it was I was trying to do before.

I don't know, it's going to be bad that I'm not going to be able to vent in here these next few days, I'm going to get all moody b/c it'll all be bottled up.

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