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1:02 am * June 06, 2004
There's this chick that I work with who just bothers the heck out of me. She acts trashy, and apparently wants everyone to know. She keeps fooling around with guys her best friends are either involved with, or guys they like. And yes, she DOES know before she does anything. I don't get the reason that her friends are still friends with her. I MIGHT have gotten over it once, but, I'd have said right then, if this ever happens again, don't even think about talking to me ever again, or something...

Continuing on with work comments,

There's a guy at work who's always saying how religious he is, and how God hates gay people and so on and so forth. Now, I'm fine with people being who ever they are, and believin' whatever they want to believe, but he NEVER goes to church, he goes out and drinks and does drugs every weekend, he's disrespectful to people constantly (he mouths off about customers, coworkers, bosses, etc)... but he goes around saying he's very religious and so and so is evil and stupid and going to Hell.... It's driving me slightly crazy. I really don't know how much more I can take before I snap and tell him to shut up, and stop spouting off such hypocritical BS. Sure, hes not gay...soooooo, that makes everything else he does okay with God? Er... Okay it's been a VERY long time since I was in church, and almost just as long since I've read the Bible, (since that's the one he refers back to) but, I don't think he's being a very good person, let alone at all religious. One of my friends was complaining about him to me the other day, because she honestly is very spiritual and Christian, and the things he says upset her. I think the way she said it was, "He walks the walk, but he's on the wrong path."

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