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just the stuff I've been thinking about today
1:53 am * October 19, 2002
My guy friend drove me to work today (and took me home). On the way we joked around about parking behind the store and seeing how much space there was in his "new" car. But we didn't, I only had a couple of minutes to spare when we got to the store so it was a definite no go.

Work was cool enough, considering it was work. I ran out to the vestibule after a customer and when I got back the thing holding my hair back ahd been pretty much knocked loose, so I just pulled it out. Now, you all know how it is with long hair, you bend over to pick something up and it's all in your face and stuff. Then you stand up and have to flick it back again. Well After I did that at the desk after I had reached to the bottom shelf to get this guy some smokes, he said, "You look totally fuckable." I was shocked. But hey, it's not a bad thing to say really. Kind of crass, but not bad. :)

I told my guy friend and he said something about it's the look I get in my eyes. I don't know exactly what he meant, but I'll leave it at that.

He came in the store before we closed to let me know he was there. One of my co-workers, who is kind of a friend but not real close, looked at us and said something to the other cashier. So, tomorrow I'll find out what's being said about me this week. :�

One of his friends made a comment to both of us the other night. He said, "Damn, could you two stop looking at eachother like that?" :) Once his woman got there though he didn't care. They aren't in the "flying sparks" stage though. They bicker all the time. We all snuggled up and watched a movie. It was nice.

Well it's going on 2 and I have a bunch of stuff to do tomorrow, so I should get going. (Especially if I plan on reading any before bed.)

Leave me notes people!!

P.S. Please ignore the entries and stuff that are for contact page and those kinds of things. I'm adding them to my links so they'll be appearing as I fix them up. I'm ready to get another review, but I want to make everything pretty first.

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