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new layout, and insomniac
1:05 am * March 16, 2002
So, um, yeah I just changed my page layout a little bit. Nothing major though? Right? ;)

I still don't know if I got this job or not, because they never called me at all.

I'd like it if you all could make some kind of comment on the new layout. (Yeah I know I saw that everytime I change it. But your comments usually point out things I may not notice.)

When I got to work today one of my coworkers informed me that the manager wants to speak with me as soon as possible tomorrow. I hope the other people call me before I have to work tomorrow.

Have any of you seen the show Insomniac?? It's funny sometimes. They had commercials on for it the one night and it was in Philly, so I made sure to watch that one. (It was the first one I saw.)

Ok, well, now I'm going to go to bed.

Thanks for hanging around and reading my babble. :)

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