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well, best friend visited.....
11:19 pm * March 08, 2002
Ok, well.

Best friend did come visit me at work, I was in the office so he just hung around at the desk. We talked and all and he was kind of down in the dumps. He'd only been involved with this girl for a couple months, and he even came right out and said he always had a problem with her spoiled attitude.

He might show up at work again tomorrow, although I'm kind of hoping he doesn't because tomorrow I will have higher-ups working there with me when I'm in the office.

When I get there tomorrow morning Pepsi Guy will be there. I'm not looking forward to that, but it's life so I'll get over it.

Frankly, I hope he just doesn't talk to me, because I don't know exactly what words will be coming out of my mouth.

Well...that's it.

Invisible Don, I hope things are getting better.

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