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gee..he didn't call and now he's being an ass... did the bear really come from him? well? did it?
2:59 pm * March 06, 2002
I've been holding back from making this next entry because I'm still very angry. And I kind of wanted to be a bit more rational in my entry than my anger has been letting me be. That's why anger is soo bad, it makes people who are normally pretty rational, completely irrational.

Pepsi guy never called. He can just go screw himself. I really really liked him, but I'd rather go back to just being alone if being with him means I get to deal with his crap all the time.

I'm not a very patient person when it comes to people acting stupidly. So, clearly with that being said, it's obvious my little bit of patience has been worn out.

I hate it when people freaking lie to me. And he's done his share these last few weeks. Now, in the beginning when things started going downhill, I figured him and I would still be friends when things ended. Because we weren't seriously involved for there to be deep hurt feelings or anything. Well, he's been such an absolute ass this week, that I don't think there's even an iota of desire in me to still be friends!

*insert frustrated scream here*

So, that's really not a detailed explaination of why I said this week SUCKS. But for the moment it will just have to do. Because I don't even know how to begin explaining the other thing that happened.

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