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so it's been 3 days huh?
12:11 pm * February 19, 2002
3 days since I've updated? Wow, hard to believe. I've had a cd on auto-repeat for awhile now, and there's a song I'm awfully fond of. It's funny though because everytime it comes on I stop whatever I'm doing and sing along, and when it ends I just go back to where I was before. Funny in a not so "ha-ha" kind of way I guess. Oh yeah, it's Shakira, Fool. I really like the song Underneath Your Clothes , as well and the video just came out for that one.

the guy I mentioned before that hinted around about the bear called me last night and said he did send it. I said, "That was very nice of you to think of me." Then he didn't say anything for a little while. It's ok though, it wasn't an akward silence, just silence. I've known this guy for a few years so we're pretty comfortable with each other now.

Well, I won't go back and post 3 words for the days I missed, I'll just go right on to today's.

Word of the day: paucity - smallness of number, fewness.

(Ends up yesterdays word was more interesting, it was bugaboo, an object of obsessive, usually exaggerated fear or anxiety.)

Ok....ummm, someone's acting odd on AIM.

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