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almost done with my other pages
2:21 p.m. * 2001-12-18
Hello lovely people of diaryland.

I've finished two...yes that's right 2 of the layouts. These ones are complete with matching (or just cool) buttons. I have others that just aren't going to have buttons right away. Really that's been the part holding me back. My insisting that I get just the right buttons.... But anyway. If I keep going at this rate, I'll be posting my other page for ya'll to see by the end of the night.

{As long as I have no connection problems. That would make the uploading take longer to the other server to post the pages.}

But there will only be two pages that will be totally complete with the link ready buttons. (These buttons will be relating to diaryland.) The others might have examples of matching buttons, but I don't want to keep going through and making diaryland buttons when the work might not actually end up being used on diaryland.

Ok, well that's it.

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