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2:51 am * December 30, 2004
Good grief, I hadn't realized it had been so long. So sorry about that.

Um, as you can see it's kind of late so I'll have to keep this short and sweet.

I didn't hit the 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo, but it was fun trying and I have every intention of trying again.

I'm still working at the store, and my feelings about the store haven't changed. Although a few of the employees have changed. :�

The holidays went pretty well, and pretty quickly. I still find myself wishing I was still in MA with my other relatives instead of back here. I saw my father unexpectedly one day, he came in my store, it was odd. We hadn't seen each other in years (Since 99 I think) and we had barely spoken to each other since then either. There was no huge emotional display. Heck, not even a handshake... I was actually more concerned about the fact that my mom and sister were shopping there at the same time. Yeah, that was stressful.

Um, I haven't had much online time the past month because of mom and work and takin' care of my sister. (Freaking flu(s)!) Hence my lack of updating.

But, if any of you out there want to talk to me, just email me or try the IMs. And to the two people with my cell #, kept texting me, it's always great hearing from you! :)

*hugs for hcatty*

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