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non posting and kitten troubles
11:20 pm * March 28, 2002
I really don't understand why people pick me to scream at when they have had a bad day. I mean as far as I know I'm not wearing a sign saying something like "Oh please take your anger out on me!" But regardless, that's what I've been getting almost all day. I knew things weren't going to be fun today when I tried to update twice and both times something went wrong and the posts didn't post.

Now though, I get to go visit the other room with Summa, who's in the process of giving birth to her newest littler of kittens. And well, Summa isn't exactly doing as well as she usually does. She's getting older and she's having some problems. (I so won't even get into the gross details.) But I've had to help her out with somethings.

Which leads me back to the thought, I should have been a vet. By the way, I'm going to be posting adorable kitten pictures soon, I can already see these ones looking beautiful once they've gotten a little bigger.

"All our young lives we search for someone to love, someone who makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere and somehow there is someone searching for us." The Wonder Years

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