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yet another Monday...or...yam
10:56 a.m. * 2001-07-09
Hi again.

My Aunt died Thursday. No one called to tell me or anything. I read about it in the newspaper on Friday night. I called my Dad to see if it really was her and to see if he knew when the services would be. Getting the man to talk to me is like pulling teeth. I think the main part of the phone call was silence. He spoke when I directly asked questions, and then his answers were brief to say the least. She wanted closed services though so just her daughters and her husband were there. It sucks that she's died. But it has to be better this way. She was 81 and had serious health problems. This is my third aunt to die in the past two years. My sister's Great Grandfather died a few days before my birthday last year...

I think I'm over the whole George thing. I was stupid to believe anything he told me. I should have known better. Some days I really think it would have be better if I just didn't get involved with people anymore. At least that way no one would end up hurt, and if I'm going to end up alone anyway...

So let's see what else is there to write about? I got yelled at while I was working yesterday. Some customers got angry with me for trying to get something to ring up at the right price for the customers before them so they left their groceries sitting there and left the store. I got mad and threw some towels and that's when I got yelled at. But I started laughing and then so did the person yelling at me. So it worked out alright.

Well that's it for the time being, I'm probably going to have lots to say after tonight. It's my first night back in school, and the first night of the new/last class.

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