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I love storms
8:58 p.m. * 2001-05-22
Really, I should be working now. On my next report. But....I'd rather type here :) good for me huh?

It's storming right now as I type. Pretty swell that it's safer here than home and I don't have to quickly shut down and disconnect due to a little electrical play time in the sky.

I really like storms. I don't know why though. When I was a young child (5 or 6) I was seriously afraid of them. I'd hide anywhere I could that I couldn't see the flashes anymore. But now, I'll go sit in the backyard and enjoy it. I know, I know, it's stupid. It's also a rush. I've been trying to get a good lightning picture for who knows how long. I wish I had a dark room so I could develop my own pictures. I had photography in HS, and I can develop my own pictures. It's fun!!

So let's see now you know I like to take pictures, sing, write....I've mentioned how well I read right? :)

Back to storms, I was with my dad and his crazy woman this one time and there was a tornado warning. We were on the highway and we saw it. It was soooooo spectacular. I think I could very easily become a tornado chaser. Yes I've seen the movie Twister a lot.

Alas, I'll be going back to work on my report now.

Quote "I'm the cat's meow my wardorbe is a wow!" Tulsa in the musical Gypsy (when he's showing Louise his new dance moves.)

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