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10:04 a.m. * 2001-04-19
LMAO....have you seen the new Fatboy Slim video? Holy...it's about the funniest thing....

So let's see, what can I blab on and on about today? I guess I still owe some details about my dad, but I really don't feel quite up to that this early in the morning.

My little sister was sick today so she stayed home with me instead of going to school, she's driving me crazy playing her recorder at the moment, but it'll be ok :) Even when she is sick, she's up at the crack of dawn. Ok, so maybe my crack of dawn is a little later than everyone else's. But I'm pretty used to being asleep until 9 it's a really nice hour...And it's the right hour for me considering I don't usually go to bed until about 2:30 in the morning. I don't think that's real late for going to bed if you factor in night classes and work, which is also nights.

I am supposed to be working on my resum� now, and it's ready just needs typed up. But I'm thinking more and more about blowing it off until tomorrow. But, as much as I want to ignore the work, I'll probably start working on it as soon as I finish here. If I didn't have to turn it in for approval I wouldn't bother even working on it now.

Well I guess that's it for now, 'cause I really just can't think of much to say at the moment. Maybe I'll think of more before work.

quote "Music, when soft voices die, Vibrates in the memory- Odours, when sweet violets sicken, Live within the sense they quicken. Rose leaves, when the rose is dead, Are heap'd for the belov�d's bed; And so thy thoughts, when Thou art gone, Love itself shall slumber on." Music, When Soft Voices Die, by P.B. Shelley

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