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just me...showin' off my skills
11:27 a.m. * 2001-07-17

Notice the time?

Yep it was intentional...

So let me think, what else can I write about, hopefully in a better way than yesterday. My neighbor in class was like, "Gee...not getting very far on that are you?" Because I kept erasing and starting over. He must think he's funny or something. :)

This class is more fun than the last one. It's webdesign, which I'm very into. So I'm enjoying it a lot, when I'm not climbing the walls from my codes not working. :) I've been helping the funny guy beside me, and I can find the things he misses in his codes pretty quickly, and I've been right so far, but when it's my own I have a heck of a time spotting them. Then when I do, I say things like, Oh wonderful. Who knows how I missed that huge screw up...or something. But even with those kinds of moments it's still fun. I haven't even had to ask for any help yet. Although I have been ready to smack my forehead on the wall a few times.

The thing that is messing me up the most is anchors. I know, they're easy. I just keep getting them reversed. And when they're reversed..well, what you want to happen won't. Anchors are links within a page. Like say I wanted to remind you again about the time that I mentioned above here. That's a link within a page. Yeah I like the little cool things. What else can I show ya'll? Oh I can also link to an anchor in another page, aren't I just talented? I really like storms and I I've talked about that before.

Well I guess I'll stop playing around and do some work. Have fun everyone!!

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