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ugh this didn't turn out well at all
10:13 p.m. * 2001-12-14
I don't know why, but I was hoping I'd come home tonight and there'd be some note or email or something that would tell me what I needed to hear or maybe give me the answers to my questions. I knew there wouldn't be...but I guess it was back to that whole wishing thing.

It's about 10:50 now. I took a break to do a little chatting and to paint my nails.

I know I shouldn't be as unhappy as I am because I do have a few things going for me. I have a safe place to live, which is a biggie.

I feel like I'm a bad person because I am so not satisfied and so just not happy. But I'm not a bad person. I do things that make others feel good that have absolutely no benefit to anyone but them... that shows I'm not all bad doesn't it?

Now it's about 12 am. I've been breaking and going off and doing other things, so this entry was not at all what I hoped it would be. But I guess it'll have to do until I can think of more real plausible things to say. In a way that will make sense to myself as well as people that read it.

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