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nice day
7:56 p.m. * 2001-05-16
Today was nice. :)

I watched TV, I typed in that last entry, and I studied a little bit. I'm a little figety in class tonight. I could say why but I doubt all you people want those kinds of details. I'll just say the basic reason without getting in too deep. Some bras are just not meant to be worn for long periods of time, and I'm only talking like a day.

Ok, moving on :-�

I'm looking into booking a nice little weekend vaction for my mom, my sister, and I. Tengo dos problemas. Uno, necesito a alguien alimentar el gato. Dos, Mom y mi hermana no desean viajar lejos.

Hehe, weren't expecting that one now were ya? So now I need to figure out where we can go, nearby...but far enough away to make me happy too.

Anyone have any ideas? :)

Break's over. Have a good day everybody.

Quote "Arrogance is a disease."

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