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monday monday
11:50 a.m. * 2001-06-25

I should be studying, I have a final tonight... But I don't want to!!!

So I'm doing other stuff watching the time go by, telling myself to study b/c if I get an A on this test I get an A for the whole class....but still I just don't want to study.

Last September when I started all this I told myself it wouldn't be like high school I wouldn't let myself slack off and not do as well as I knew I could. Well it's back to the same old tricks, I don't feel like studying. And if I don't study I won't remember the stuff we learned about 12 weeks ago.

Moving on...

Happy Birthday John Boy!!

This weekend was ok. I did some rewiring in here, new phone line's working wonderfully. Watched the newer Flintstone's movie, it was cute. I watched Only You (I think that's the name of it.) as well. I've seen it before. It was when I was in ummm 9th grade and I spent the night at my friends house over Christmas break. It's a sweet movie. Robert Downey Jr is in it, if you liked him before all the druggie stuff.

Hmm what else? I guess that's it. Work just sucks lately so I won't even bother going into details about that.

My mom, my sister and I need to move. This living situation just isn't going to work until we can afford it. We keep reminding ourselves we're only going to need a year then we can leave, but it's going to be a damn long year, and really I doubt we can last another year. Things just keep getting worse everyday.

Oh well.

No quote my brain hurts.

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