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just me again
2:55 p.m. * 2001-08-23
Well hi again.

I'm now back under control so I'm trying this entry thing again.

I just can't help what that tv guy does to me....ummmm yeah anyway.

So *taps* ummmm I might find out some stuff about work tonight. Specifically I might find out I'm no longer a cashier. I am not sure if this is good or bad yet, since it hasn't actually happened yet. I know pretty much all there is to know about being a cashier that's why I was good at it. If I get moved to another department learning all the new rules and regs. will be a little rough. But I have no doubt if I need to do it I can/will do it.

I'm wearing my lucky earrings tonight, just incase. They're spikes. Yup, I said spikes.

Oh, my birthday is next Tuesday Invisible Don, but you don't have to make a big deal out of it, I'm pretty used to no deal.

I realized that I'm pretty good at altering my voice when I sing, so that my words sound more like the actual singer, if I'm singing along. That's not very exciting I guess, but well I figured I'd mention it anyway.

Well I need to get ready for work.

Oh, thanks for signing my guestbook Blah. :)

My next entry will be #100 are you as proud as I am? :-�

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