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it's ok
8:36 p.m. * 2001-07-31
It's ok Invisible Don, it's still long enough that it can be messed around with. :) It's all BoUnCy now too!! It's been a couple years since it's been cut this short. It was so funny though, the girl stopped and turned me around and said, "I can still stop and not cut it if you want." Hehe, then later she asked me if I was going to cry. For pete's sake! It'll grow back! Let me tell you though, I just about dropped my brush when I was brushing it, cause I kept trying to keep brushing where there wasn't any hair!!

My mom is already giving me crap about it. Telling me I don't brush it right...What the hell?! I've been brushing it the same way since I've been old enough to hold the freaking brush... So screw it. :)

My hair, and I like it!! :)

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