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sorry i missed a few days
5:45p.m. * 2001-04-30
Hi people!!

Well it's been a few days since I added an entry, and I had to catch up in the diaries that are cool. So now I'm back and I'm in class. Close to bored, but not quite there yet. We were supposed to have a test tonight and since I missed on Wednesday last week, I didn't know what was going on aside from the test was Monday. Well the teacher decided to postpone it until tomorrow. WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! That means that I studied for nothing when I was already tired and already annoyed about work.....but it means I get to have another day to study.

So what can I tell ya....hmmmmm

OH!! I want to say hi to the person who's diary I added to my list, cause he added me now too....HI!!!! :)

I guess this is it for now, hopefully I will be able to write more on break.

Quote, "Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.' " Charlie Brown.
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