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I'm worried about my friend
12:43 a.m. * 2001-07-24

So I got to thinking today, and I know I shouldn't let myself think about depressing things, but yet I sometimes do anyway.

So today's depressing thoughts were centered around the whole "Lonely" thing. Yeah I'm lonely. So what?! Why the heck does it matter. If I can deal with being lonely why can't other people?

A friend of mine is in her 30's and she has a kid who's a teenager and she has an ex-husband and a string of ex-boyfriends. She has little or no self-confidence and that affects every single part of her life. I hate it. She's a friend of mine, and it's like she's in a deep depression every single day of her life. I want to help her, but I just don't think there's anything else I can do...

She had an abusive boyfriend who was an alcoholic. She has been saying she wants to get back together with him because even though he beats her up at least he's around so she isn't always alone. I don't understand why she has to be with someone all the time. I see her getting mad at people all the time and saying she feels like everyone is staring at her. So why does she feel like there's something wrong with her if she doesn't have a man?

I realize that maybe I've had a sheltered life. I realize that she may have been beaten as a child and that may make her gravitate more towards that kind of destructive relationship. But I also realize the woman is NOT a dumb person.

Well I just needed to actually get that out of my mind and see it in front of me. I really want to help her. If she gets back with that jerk from before he could end up killing her. I can't pretend I don't know that. I have to at least try to convince her she doesn't need him...

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