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first day of freedom
12:36 p.m. * 2001-06-26

Ok, well as long as someone finally explained I'm ok with it I guess. Oh my some of the things I get distracted by.

If anyone has Napster and hasn't logged in lately, you might want to consider doing so just for the hell of it. They have a new one out, and without it you can't download anything, believe me I tried. I'm also no longer sharing all my music...well, I'll be fixing that this week.

We got our grades back....

I got an A on the report, an A on the presentation, an A on my final exam....and an A for the class. Can we tell I'm a little excited? I thought my teacher was just teasing me 'cause he knew how much I wanted to get an A in this class. He's a little cruel sometimes. But then he was like, noooooo Invis (obviously he didn't really call me Invis, but you understand) you really did get the A. If he wasn't my teacher I could have possibly hugged him. But since he is/was my teacher I resisted the hug urge pretty darn well. Oh and I guess my studying finally paid off, the woman in my class who kept getting better test grades than me and she never studied, got a B for the class. Guess she should have dusted her book off a little.

So, today was my first day of freedom. We're on a break and I don't have anything that I must do until Thursday. :) It's pretty nice. I even slept in, woohooo. Of course I have to work all weekend though. But that's ok, I won't have to stay up late studying Sunday night or get up early to cram Monday morning.

That's it for now, I'm sure I'll be back with more though, I have a feeling my first day of freedom excitement will wear off once my mother gets home. Clean this hang this on the line is your room clean...yuck.

Quote...um, a question instead. Marshmallow packages say jet-puffed...what is jet-puffed?

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