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Another Thursday is over
12:10 a.m. * 2001-06-29
Hi everyone!!

I don't know for sure what I'll do about my hair Invisible Don. I want to cut it, really. It's almost down to my waist. It also grows pretty quickly, so I'm not too worried. My friend who's away this month is the one who plays with my hair. So at least I won't have to deal with him flipping out the day after it's done. I think I may just wait until fall, and then get it cut before the class I'll be teaching starts. (Assuming they still want me.)

I'm going to make my list of 100 facts tomorrow, it's just too hot to think that much tonight, and I don't have a full 100 yet.

Oh, remember how I mentioned that hot guy who used to come in the store? He was in there tonight, how damn freaky is that?! Yeah he came through my line (wooooohoooooo) and he was talking to me, and we were joking and he touched me. Um, yeah I'm a little thrilled. :) Of course he also told me he was just back in town visiting someone and he is moving to North Carolina next weekend. Geeze, that sucks. But he also told me he hopes the cashiers in NC are as nice as me. That's something right? Ok, yes. I'm clutching at straws here. But hey, a hot guy was nice to me I don't mind dealing with the straws. Another guy who came in later asked if I'd be getting to go home soon. I said no because while it was close to closing time, we had a meeting after closing tonight. And he asked why, so I gave a general explanation and he said, "Well if the meeting is about lay-offs, you can come work for me." Yes, it has to be something in the air.

Hey Joe? Have fun with the new girl. :) And, I'll always leave you messages!!

Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?

John Mendoza
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