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Book review #3
1:15 pm * October 02, 2003

About the Book

Sweet Wind, Wild Wind, by Elizabeth Lowell - Part 1 of a 2-in-1 (Summer Gold)

Publisher: Silhouette Books

Date: 1987

Cover Price: $6.50 US $7.99 CAN

Amazon Price: $6.50 Used: $2.00

Other books by E. Lowell:

*Amber Beach

*Beautiful Dreamer

*Jade Island

Too Hot to Handle

1 - 10 Scale

General Enjoyment:9

My Summary:

Lara Chandler grew up on the Rocking B cattle ranch, always aware that she was the illegitimate daughter of Larry Blackridge, the owner of the ranch. Larry never claimed Lara as his own child, and some where along the line he adopted a son, Carson. Lara falls in love with Carson at a young age, and because she thinks he feels the same way for her, she basically throws herself at him. Carson gets up and leaves her apartment. From then on she does her very best to just avoid Carson, and until she has to come back to the ranch she does a very good job of it. She comes back to the ranch to sort through her late Grandfather's belongings and to write about the history of the ranch.

This time around Carson wants Lara, like never before, but he doesn't like the past, any of it. He doesn't want to talk about the past because he doesn't want her to know the real reason he left that night, or the real reason he started dating her when they were younger. Will Carson finally realize that unless he's honest and open about the past he's going to lose the woman he loves once again? But even if he tells her everything, will she be able to forgive him for breaking her heart all those years ago?

I really really liked this book! As I have every other Elizabeth Lowell book that I've read so far. There's some definitely funny parts, but there's also the tender romance and some emotional turmoil. It was a little strange at first for me to think about a woman falling in love with her adoptive brother(and a little V.C. Andrews-ish), but, because they were not raised as siblings and there's absolutely no actual blood relation I got over it and really enjoyed their story.

A real update will be coming soon.

(* I've read it.)

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