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bunches of crap at the store
11:27 p.m. * 2001-11-17
Soooooooooo....Haha. I don't really have anything to say I just don't want to go to bed yet.

Work has sucked the last several Saturdays because of the situations I keep getting put in.

As soon as I get there I have to go run the office, which is NOT my job. My job Saturdays (at least lately) has been to run the front, helping cashiers with whatever without actually running a register. And lately I've been in the office instead of just running the front. It is quite difficult to run the office and help 5-7 cashiers for about 2 hours. And, because the woman in the office is who she is, she is always running around doing something else, forcing me to be in the office doing her work and my own as well.

So my laid back 7 hour Saturday shift is never laid back anymore. Now the first 2 hours I'm there I'm running around like crazy answering phones, checking on cashiers, helping customers at the service desk....it's just too much for one person to have to do alone.

Which is why they have an office person anda front end manager, not just one or the other.

Ok, so I'll stop ranting now, but dang, I'm still to awake to sleep....

Sucks for me 'cause I open at 6 AM tomorrow morning!!

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