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1:19 pm * October 06, 2008
Things customers need to know about cashiers and about checking out

Do not treat cashiers like morons. Just because we work in stores does not mean we are stupid.

    The other day when you told your girlfriend to "use easier words because she's a cashier, clearly not a brain surgeon..." Yeah I heard you. Your next cashier might not be as nice as me though, I resisted the urge to tell you off, will the next person?

There's this little thing people call "personal space". Try to respect it.

    Don't touch me, don't hold my hand, I don't know you and I don't really want to either. P.S. Leave me alone!

Do not yank the bags out of my hands.

    I don't yank the stuff your buying out of your's. Next time, I won't catch the bag for you, I will gladly let it fall.

Do not give me attitude when I can't take your expired coupons. Which part of expired is confusing for you?

    In my store, we get in trouble for taking expired coupons, even accidently. I'm not going to get in trouble just so you can save fifty cents. Sorry just not worth it to me.

Do not complain about the way I bag.

    I do the best I can, especially considering the way some of you people put your items up on the belt. If you want things bagged a certain way, unload your cart that way.
      P.S. Don't buy 50 cans, ask for them to be bagged lightly, and then get annoyed when you have A LOT of bags.

Do not toss your money down on the counter when I have my hand right there, open, for you to place it in.

    I'm not gathering up tips here, Im putting your money into a register, IMMEDIATELY, and then IMMEDIATELY giving you change... Would you like it if I tossed your change on the counter for you to gather up?

Do not expect me to babysit your children.

    That is NOT my job nor is it my responsibility. If your kid(s) won't listen to you or won't stay with you, put them in the cart. The carts have seats for a reason. Or don't bring them in. And you may think that by screaming at your kids as they tear through the store you're disciplining them, but really you're just making yourself look stupid, probably making your kids feel bad and making people feel bad for your kids.
      P.S. if you hit your kid in the store, don't be surprised if other customers react to it.

Do not tell me how to do my job.

    You don't see me showing up at your job telling you what to do.

Do not tell me that so-and-so did something against the rules for you and expect that to make me change my mind about breaking the rules.

    I know these other cashiers, I know they didn't break the rules for you. Also, don't think that even if they did, it would change whether or not I will.

I'm stopping here mostly because I need to go take care of some other things before I can continue.

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